Work with Us – Expertise, Service and Flexibility to Serve the Philanthropic Goals of your Clients

Professional Advisors

If you are an individual or a professional advisor helping a client interested in structuring a way to support charitable opportunities or community needs, then let us PARTNER WITH YOU.

As a professional advisor, you frequently have an opportunity to help your clients achieve their philanthropic goals as efficiently and effectively as possible. Charitable giving through the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley, which offers tax benefits, gives you a unique resource to help your clients achieve other personal, financial or business goals.

One of the greatest opportunities for professional advisors’ clients to maximize the benefits of charitable giving occurs is when they are making major life decisions related to:

  • Estate planning
  • Sale of a business or other major asset
  • Retirement planning
  • timing of an unusual financial gain

Allow Us to Create a Legacy of Giving for your Clients

As the Brazos Valley’s trusted partner in philanthropy, the Foundation has unique competencies to support individuals, families, companies and charitable organizations in making gifts, current or deferred, to accomplish specific personal goals and benefit their community.

In establishing a charitable endowment fund at the Foundation, your client can help meet the pressing needs of today, while building a source of support for the future. The Foundation invests your donor’s gift over time, and use only a portion for annual grants and scholarships. That way, your donor’s gift — and all future earnings — are a perpetual source of community capital, helping do good work today and into the future.

The Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley is your trusted partner in philanthropy!


Funds to Meet Your Individual Interests and Goals

Donor-and Business-Advised Funds

Donor and business-advised funds are established by donors and businesses and allow the donor to actively participate in the grant-making process.

Designated Fund

Designated funds allow a donor to support the good work of a specific organization that has touched their life.

Nonprofit Agency Fund

We partner with nonprofit organizations who are interested in seeking a sustainable future by establishing a charitable endowment or a sustaining agency fund to grow assets to meet both current and future needs.

Field of Interest Fund

Subject-matter funds supporting a particular interest area[s], specific program initiatives, causes or geographic areas.

Education/Scholarship Fund

Scholarship funds give deserving students the opportunity to pursue their dreams while achieving your own charitable goals.

Unrestricted Fund

Unrestricted funds allow donors to give to the Foundation with the goal of entrusting the Foundation to utilize the funds to better our community

Special Project Fund

for community and nonprofit projects, building campaigns, …

Community and Civic Funds

benefiting city, county and general community needs – e.g., historic preservation, police fund, park fund, tree fund, senior programs, etc.

Asset Types

What are some of my options?

  • Cash gifts allow donors to claim a current tax deduction and carry forward contributions exceeding annual limits for up to five [5]] subsequent tax years
  • Stocks and securities represent a popular mode of giving. Donating gifts of publicly-traded securities and mutual funds qualify donors for an immediate charitable deduction of the full fair market value and an exemption from capital gains tax on the appreciation.
  • Life Insurance – when the original purpose for a life insurance policy no longer applies—such as educating children now grown or providing financial security for a spouse now deceased—your policy can become a powerful, yet simple way to support our work.
    • There are three ways to give life insurance to the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley:
      • Name us a beneficiary on your life insurance policy. This gift is as simple as updating your beneficiary designation form with the policy holder. You can designate the Foundation as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount. You can also make the Foundation as the contingent beneficiary so that we will receive the balance of your policy, only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.
      • Make an outright gift of an existing policy. You can transfer the ownership of an existing life insurance policy to the Foundation by name us as owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. You may receive a federal income tax charitable deduction and reduce your future estate tax liability. If you continue to pay premiums on the policy, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift.
      • Make an outright gift of a new policy. You can purchase a new life insurance policy and irrevocably name the Community Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of the insurance contract. This method may be particularly attractive for younger donors. Whether you make one single premium payment for the policy or pay annual premiums, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift.
    • Take the Next Step:
      • Contact the Community Foundation about your interests in donating with life insurance.
      • Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
      • If you include the Community Foundation in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
  • Real estate gifts of residential, commercial, ranch or farm real estate owned for more than a year entitles the owner to a tax deduction for the property’s full fair market value while allowing the owner to avoid capital gains taxes.
  • Retirement plan donations or through an IRA assists donors in reducing or eliminating income and estate taxes while also supporting important causes. LINK TO INFO [PENDING – ON ADVISOR SITE]
  • Bequests enable donors to support important community needs while retaining complete controlover assets during their lifetime through a living trust or will while earning a full charitable deduction on estate taxes.
    • Charitable Gift Annuity – Annuity contract pays client for life and charitable fund commences grants upon death
    • Charitable Lead Trust – Trust pays the community foundation a fixed amount for a number of years and then assets transfer to beneficiary
    • Charitable Remainder Trust – Trust pays beneficiary for life and then assets transfer to community foundation
    • Life Estate Contract – Donor transfers home to community foundation and still enjoys use during lifetime

Investment Strategy

Given the nature of the Foundation’s endowed assets, the primary goal for the Foundation’s investment strategy is long-term appreciation. There is also a consideration for short term, minimal cash liquidity to fund annual grants. The portfolio is actively managed; however, low turnover assets are acceptable if deemed appropriate by the portfolio manager.

Investment Performance -(Pending)

Investment Policy

The Foundation’s Investment Policy governs the management of all endowed funds for the Brazos Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley.   The Foundation’s assets are managed on a modern portfolio theory basis using a multi-asset, total return policy that is commensurate with the account holder’s risk tolerance. Click here for the Investment and Fund Distribution Policy Statement, May 2022

Also, please see our Financial & Reports Page.

PLANNED GIVING – Simplified Charitable Giving (Link to come)

IRA Information-(Information to come)

Life Insurance

Consider the following ways to make a gift of life insurance to the Community Foundation.

When the original purpose for a life insurance policy no longer applies—such as educating children now grown or providing financial security for a spouse now deceased—your policy can become a powerful, yet simple way to support our work.

There are three ways to give life insurance to the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley:

Name us a beneficiary on your life insurance policy. This gift is as simple as updating your beneficiary designation form with the policy holder. You can designate the Foundation as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount. You can also make the Foundation as the contingent beneficiary so that we will receive the balance of your policy, only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.

Make an outright gift of an existing policy. You can transfer the ownership of an existing life insurance policy to the Foundation by name us as owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. You may receive a federal income tax charitable deduction and reduce your future estate tax liability. If you continue to pay premiums on the policy, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift.

Make an outright gift of a new policy. You can purchase a new life insurance policy and irrevocably name the Community Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of the insurance contract. This method may be particularly attractive for younger donors. Whether you make one single premium payment for the policy or pay annual premiums, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift.

Take the Next Step:

  1. Contact the Community Foundation about your interests in donating with life insurance.
  2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  3. If you include the Community Foundation in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Legal Name: Brazos Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley
Address: Bryan, Texas
Federal Tax ID Number: 32-0073943